Pastor Virgil Update 5/28/24

Moving Christians from the pew to the harvest.” Matthew 9:36-38

May 28, 2024

The battle is on!

Some of you may remember the old tune, “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy”. While this idea may be archaic, I do trust that this finds you well and looking forward to great things this summer. Spring has certainly been hectic. I don’t know about you, but for me the battle for every inch of ground has been intense. Last week I was awake in the night praying when I heard that little voice inside say. “A call to arms.” I knew what He meant. Now is the time to put on the full armor and enter the fray.

You know that we don’t fight people, but the battle is in the spirit. The weapons of our warfare are mighty. If we try to use natural means to achieve spiritual ends, the result will be exhaustion, frustration, and fruitlessness. It’s time to get serious about praying. Over the last several months, we have been turning up the prayer power. Recently, I had the opportunity to share along these lines in our local church. Like me, you may need a little reminder that we are in a battle. Check out the messages here: #1 “A Call to Prayer and Miracles.” #2 “Engaged, Alert, Prepared.”

Leading with Integrity: April 11-13, I had the privilege of joining a distinguished group of ministers for the Southern Arizona Leaders and Volunteers Gathering at His Presence Church here in Tucson. It was a powerful time. The theme was “Leading with Integrity.” The Spirit of God led me along the lines of leading in such a way as to grow up leaders in the next generation. We need spiritual fathers to guide us along the path to effective and ethical leadership. I would encourage you to visit the links and avail yourself of the teachings and ministries of Apostle Jamie Benjamin, Dr. Amanda Goodson, Apostle Joyce Stevens, Evangelist Deborah George, as well as host Pastor Randy Winkles.

Instituto de Entrenamiento Ministerial de Fe: May 16-18 I was in Hermosillo Sonora, Mexico to complete the course, “El Gobierno de la Iglesia.” This course deals with issues that we rarely hear discussed in churches. That is even more true in Mexico. It’s tough stuff. We are calling ministers to accountability, sacrifice, transparency, and order. Nevertheless, attendance was good and the students were very engaged. I had been waiting to teach this course because we had no textbook. Several years ago, I wrote the English text, “Governing the Local Church: How to Run a Sheep Shed.” Unfortunately, I had never been able to get it translated into Spanish. Thanks to the efforts of Pastor Juan Peralta, we were able to get the third review of the translation done just in time to print manuscripts for our students on this trip. They were blessed, and I believe we will see results in the churches.

Saturday morning we had our Pastor’s Breakfast. I had not been feeling well since Thursday afternoon, but on Saturday morning I knew I could not stand for an hour, do the teaching, and manage the video equipment and computer for the ZOOM feed. Instead, I canceled the Zoom and just sat at the table and opened a discussion with those present. Even though I wasn’t up to par, the pastors carried the conversation. I really wish I had taped it. All I can say is that these folks are taking what they learn and using it. They are dedicated and thoughtful and hungry for more.

During the meeting, I nearly passed out and had to be helped to the men’s room. I decided to cancel my Sunday services, and try to make it home instead. I knew I wasn’t safe to drive, but there were volunteers aplenty to help me. My old friends Eduardo and Rossy Andrade drove me in my car to the border, then walked to the bus station to return to Hermosillo. I managed to drive through the Port of Entry (thank God for the SENTRI lane) and was met on the other side by Mike Schramek and Joshua Taylor from our home church. They brought me home safe and sound.

My greatest memory of this weekend will always be how blessed I was to experience the love of all these wonderful people. Thank you to all who prayed, offered assistance, and physically hauled me home. I am a blessed man.

New York coming up. This trip will be of vital importance in many ways. Pray for Gods’ wisdom and anointing. Notice the Addictions seminar on Saturday the 15th. Please keep us in your prayers.

Thank You! It’s impossible to report all the good things God is doing. Together, we are still making an impact. You make it possible for us to continue with the commission to build people of substance for works of power. My aim is to return from New York and focus on getting some writing done. You make that possible.

Financial support can be sent to Faith Christian Fellowship of Tucson at the address below or given online at Make checks payable to FCFT and designate missions or pastorvirgil and it will get where it needs to go.

Here are some things you can do to help:

Put on your armor, get together with other believers, and pray!! Let’s do this

Virgil and Judy Stokes

3141 W. Ironwood Hill Dr.

Tucson AZ, 85745


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